Clonatest LDL-Cholesterol Direct 5×40 mL Per Box
LDL-Cholesterol Direct 5 × 40 mL - Clonatest
The assay is bas ed on a modified poly vinyl sulfoni c acid ( PVS) and polyethylene-glycol-methyl ether (PEGME) coupled classic precipitation method with the i mprovements in using op timized quantities of PVS/PE GME and selected detergents. 1 LDL, VLDL, and chylo micron (CM) react with P VS and PEGME and the reaction results in ina ccessibility of LDL, VLDL and CM by cholesterol oxidase (CHOD) and cholesterol esterase (C HER). The enzy mes selectively react with HDL to produce H2O2 which is detected through a Trinder reaction. HDL LDL VLDL CM HDL (LDL VLDL CM).PVS/PEGME HDL CHOD CHER Fatty Acid H2O2 2H2O2 4-AA TODB Quinone 5 H2O REAGENTS R1. MES buffer (pH 6.5), TODB N,N-Bis(4-sulfobutyl)-3-methylaniline, polyvinyl sulfonic acid, poly ethylene-glycol-methyl ether, MgCl2 , detergent, EDTA. R2. MES buffer (pH 6.5), cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase, 4-aminoantipyrine, detergent. PREPARATION The Reagents are ready to use.