Clonatest ALP BR 5×40 mL Per Box
Alkaline Phosphatase BR 5×40 mL - Clonatest
Serum ALP measurements are of particular interest in the investigation of two groups of conditions: bone disease and hepatobiliary disease. Among the bone diseases, the highest levels are found in Paget´s disease and in patients with osteogenic bone cancer, and moderate raises in osteomelacia and rickets, the latter falling to normal on treatment with vitamin D. Physiological bone growth elevates ALP in serum of growing children and a transient elevation may be found during healing of bone fractures. Causes of decreased plasma ALP level are: cretinisme, vitamin D deficiency and hypophosphatasia, an hereditary bone disease. The response to the liver to any form of biliary tree obstruction is to sinthesize more ALP. Intrahepatic obstruction of the bile flow by invading cancer or drugs raises serum ALP. Any drug that is hepatotoxic or induces cholestasis will greatly increase serum ALP. Well over 200 drugs have been shown to increase serum ALP in susceptible patients.4