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Glucose 3x100mL Per Box. QCA

Glucose Liquid

3 x 100 mL / Box


The determination of glucose in serum or urine is used for the evaluation of disorders of the metabolism of carbohydrates. Glucose is the major source of energy for body cells. Insulin produced in the pancreatic cells , facilitates the entry of glucose into cells of tissues. Increased blood glucose is associated with a decrease in insulin activity or with its defi ciency. In serum or plasma it is found elevated glucose values mainly in patients with diabetes mellitus but also acute pancreatitis , Cushing syndrome, acromegaly and gigantism. Hypoglycemia can occur in response to fasting, or may be due to drugs , poisons or inborn errors of metabolism. The presence of glucose in urine with the individual not suffering from diabetes is usually a sign of disease in the renal tubules. Glucose determination in CSF is primarily of interest in case of bacterial meningitis, when its concentration is low or not detected. Single test result cannot be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical and laboratory data.

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