S. Paratyphi CO1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is faced against th..
S. Typhi H1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is faced against the ser..
S. Typhi O1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is faced against the ser..
RPR Carbon Latex Kit500 Test / BoxPRINCIPLEIn patients suff ering from infection of Treponema pallidum are detected plasma reagins, antibodies capable of reacting with the nontreponemal antigen VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory). RPR Carbon antigen is a modifi cation of the VDRL antigen in ..
A.S.O Direct Latex Kit100 Test / BoxThe ASO latex test kit serology kit is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of antibodies to streptococcal exoenzymes in human serum.PRINCIPLEASO test method is based on an immunological reaction between streptococcal exoenzymes bound to ..
C.R.P Direct Latex Kit100 Test / BoxPRINCIPLEThe CRP Direct latex reagent is a suspension of polystyrene particles sensitized with anti-human C-reactive protein. When the reagent is faced against the serum, an antigen-antibody reaction takes place being easily visualized because of the latex aggluti..
R.F Direct Latex Kit100 Test / BoxPRINCIPLEThe RF Direct Latex reagent is a suspension of polystyrene particles sensitized with human gamma-globulin. When the reagent is faced against the rheumatoid factors of serum, an antigen-antibody reaction takes place being easily visualized because of the lat..
Brucella Abortus Latex Test1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is face..
.Brucella Melitensis Latex Test1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is ..
Rapid Plasma Reagin RPR Latex100 Test / KitA rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test is a blood test used to screen you for syphilis. It works by detecting the nonspecific antibodies that your body produces while fighting the infection.Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the spi..