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Cholesterol Liquid3 x 100 mL / BoxDIAGNOSTIC USE The cholesterol in serum or plasma can be of exogenous origin, ingested with the diet, or endogenous synthesized primarily in the liver. It is transported by lipoproteins and it is excreted in the bile. The study of the serum cholesterol level allows ..
CK MB20 x 2.5 mL / BoxDIAGNOSTIC USEThe CK-MB increases take place in myopathic diseases and infl ammatory diseases of the heart. In myocardial infarction, CK-MB activity increases rapidly. When serial determinations are performed it is observed that the maximum point is quickly reached with an also..
Glucose Liquid3 x 100 mL / BoxDIAGNOSTIC USEThe determination of glucose in serum or urine is used for the evaluation of disorders of the metabolism of carbohydrates. Glucose is the major source of energy for body cells. Insulin produced in the pancreatic cells , facilitates the entry of glucose int..
GOT/AST Trans.Liquid1 x 250 mL / Boxالاستخدام التشخيصيلوحظت زيادات في نشاط GOT و GPT في حالات تلف الكبد: التهاب الكبد بأنواعه المختلفة ، نخر أو تلف في خلايا الكبد ، اليرقان الصفراوي. تظهر مستويات عالية أيضًا في الأمراض التي تصيب عضلة القلب. في التهاب الكبد الكحولي واحتشاء عضلة القلب الحاد ، تكون زيا..
GOT/AST Trans. U.V (Powder)20 x 3 mL / Boxالاستخدام التشخيصيتم العثور على قيم عالية من نشاط GPT في نخر خلايا الكبد ، تليف الكبد أو اليرقان الانسدادي. تعتبر زيادة النشاط الأنزيمي لـ GPT أكثر تحديدًا لتلف الكبد من نسبة GOT / GPT. في التهاب الكبد الفيروسي ، تكون زيادة GPT دائمًا أكبر من تلك الموجودة في..
GPT/ALT Trans. Liquid1 x 250 mL / BoxDIAGNOSTIC USEHigh values of GPT activity are found in hepatocyte necrosis, cirrhosis or obstructive jaundice. The increase of GPT enzymatic activity is more specifi c for liver damage than ratio GOT/GPT. In viral hepatitis GPT increase is always greater than tha..
GRAM PVP KITPRINCIPLEThe Gram stain was created in 1884 by Christian Gram, and is an essential factor in microbial identifi cation. Although Gram observed what is now known as the “Gram reaction”, he did not recognise the taxonomic value of his technique. The Gram stain makes it possible to diff ere..
HDL Cholesterol(100 Test / Box) or (1 x 4 mL / Box)جزئي الكوليسترول المرتبط بالبروتين الدهني عالي الكثافة هو مؤشر على خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب التاجية. يبدو أن المستويات العالية من كوليسترول البروتين الدهني عالي الكثافة تعمل كعامل وقائي ، في حين أن القيم المنخفضة هي أحد عوامل الخطر الرئيسية.&nb..
LDL Cholesterol(100 Test / Box) or (1 x 10 mL / Box)PRINCIPLEThe LDL-cholesterol reagent allows measuring the LDL-cholesterol fraction levels in serum or plasma directly, without the need for any sample pretreatment or centrifugation. The method consists of two specifi c steps. In the fi rst one, ch..
Potassium Tp Method3 x 100 mL / BoxPRINCIPLEAfter deproteinization of serum with trichloracetic acid (TCA), potassium ions precipitate with sodium tetraphenylboron (Na-TPB) in an alkaline medium, resulting in a stable suspension of potassium tetraphenylborate. The turbidity produced is proportional ..
S. Paratyphi AH1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specific agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is faced against the..
.S. Paratyphi AO1 x 5 mL / KitPRINCIPLEFebrile antigens are bacterial suspensions specially prepared for use in slide and tube agglutination procedure for detecting specifi c agglutinins implicated in certain febrile diseases such as Brucellosis and Salmonellosis. When the reagent is faced against t..
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