CK (NAC) Activated20 x 3 mL / Kit Creatine kinase activity and the activity of its isoenzymes is measured for diagnosis and therapy control of myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cerebrovascular accidents, skeletal muscular dystrophies, and cardiac and skeletal muscle diseases. Creatine kinase ..
· تعريف عن المنتج وطبيعة استخداماتهيؤثر مرض السكري اليوم على مئات الملايين من المرضى في جميع أنحاء العالم لذلك تم إنتاج Glucose Liquicolor أحد أنظمة اختبار الجلوكوز لدى مرضى السكري ليساعد في التحري عن سكر الدم لدى مرضى السكري بالطريقة الأنزيمية والل..
IRON Liquicolor200 mL / Kit The iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) levels are influenced by changes in iron intake, absorption, storage, and release mechanisms. Such changes are indicative of a wide range of dysfunctions including anemias, nephrosis, cirrhosis and hepatitis. Iron measu..
LDH LiquiUV Test10 x 10 mL / KitLactate dehydrogenase measurements are used for diagnosis and therapy control of liver diseases such as acute viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, malignant liver diseases, myocardial infarction, tumors of the lung or kidneys, pulmonary embolism and hemolytic anemia.Enzymatic ..
Total Protein Liquicolor4 x 100 mL / KitTotal protein (TP) is a major component of blood and the sum of all circulating proteins. Total protein is measured for diagnosis and therapy control of a variety of diseases involving liver, kidney or bone marrow as well as other metabolic and nutritiona..